Sunday, January 30, 2011

Those Mean Ol' Rich Folks.....

Those mean ol' rich folks..... they are greedy, they are powerful, they are spoiled, they are mean, they are evil, THEY are the one's who create most of the jobs.

For the last few years, when I read the newspaper or .com news rich people are considered to be more evil then Lucifer himself. I will admit when I hear a RICH MAN say, "I must get away from it all," and go on a vacation two months after his last vacation.... It does make me sick. Afterall, me and my wife are lucky if we can afford spend a night alone in a hotel in! Now we are going on a cruise next month. It is being paid for by a rich family because I paid for the trip with my sweat during the past year.

These words were inspired by my Dad when I was a teenager. I was fussing and complaining about rich people and how spoiled they were. My Daddy quickly gave me a lesson in economics. He used a local asphalt paving owner as an example. To paraphrase him...."Mr. Smith is a rich man. Rich folks are the one's who create jobs. How many poor people do you know who has provided and created a man a job? Mr. Smith is rich and has a nice home, but he also has created about 50-75 jobs for poeple who would not otherwise have a job. Everytime his employees buys a home, buys a car, goes out to eat, buys clothes.... they are creating jobs as well with the money Mr. Smith gives them for their work. So, don't complain about rich people."

Which brings me to me and my family. I work for a rich man and his family. Because of the rich family I work for, I have a job as well as about 1,900 other people. This one rich family employs about 1,900 people who like me buys vehicles, occasionally eat out at a local restaurant, buys gasoline a local gas stations, and basically spends the money we earn from our jobs at local businesses.... which in turn helps fuel the local economy through spending and taxation.

But those mean ol' rich folks we must tax them more, we must punish them, we must regulate them, we be fair to all. So the rich family I work for are taxed more and regulated more, driving their expenses up..... so they start cutting and trimming..... My job is cut. My job is cut, because the rich folks I work for is punished for being successful. THE RESULT: I will lose my home, I can not afford to buy clothes, I stop eating at local restaurants and shopping altogether. That results in loss revenue for local establishments and local governments.

But no worry for me..... for now my family will be taken of by the federal govt.... now instead of contributing, me and my family will be taken of by good ol'Uncle Sam.

So let's go ahead and punish those mean ol' rich folks, quit work and let Uncle Sam take care of us from now on.

And that's the way I see it......

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