Monday, April 25, 2011

What Makes a Christian Be A "Real" Christian?

The only thing neccesary for a human to call themselves a Christian is for them accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. OK, well that's why is it so hard for a "Christian" to be Christ-like. If I knew the answer to that question, I would be living near the beach right now.

I usually refer to my Dad alot as each day goes by. Why, because if I could be more like anyone I have ever known it would be him. My Daddy was not a church going man nor religious man. He was the same at home, work, church or anywhere else. He loved, accepted, and believed that Jesus was Lord and Savior. My Dad's heart was good and his soul was good. My Dad lived a Christian life as straight as any man could ever, have, or will ever live.

One thing that seperated him from any other person that I have ever known was his heart was as pure and as good as any ..... was My Daddy never wore any "Christian Stripes" upon his sleeves. He lived an honest life, he was a good Dad, he was a good husband, he respected others, never criticized, others, he worked hard, he is the kind of man I wish I could become.

My Daddy did not have to profess to be a Christian. He did not have to wear "WWJD" symbols on his arm or clothes. He did not have to carry a Bible 24/7. He did not have to go to church everytime the door was open....... because if you watched my Dad, listened to my Dad, and saw how he treated others.... well Homer Dupree did not need to "profess" to be a Christian.... he lived like one should live. He did not need to procliam it, he lived it. He wasn't perfect, but close to perfect as I will ever live to see...........andthatsthewayiseeit!